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    The Roots of the Bush-Cheney's Oil Government bush-cheney.htm. APFN :apfn@apfn.org Just received this from World Action. Tue Sep 11 13:55:19 2001 Just received this from World Action. -----Original Message----- From: spiritsinthenight [mailto:clubs-mail@yahoo-inc.com ] Sent: 11 September 2001 18:25 To: michael [Yahoo! Clubs: Chem Trail Tracking USA ] I know someone in the world trade center and they called on cell phone. They were warned 45 minutes before first hit to leave building. Return to "Chem Trail Tracking USA": http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/chemtrailtrackingusa. The Sept. 11 Fund will spend as much as $55 million to provide mental health care to those traumatized by the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The American Red Cross is also expected to spend tens of millions of dollars to help provide similar kinds of counseling. And the Robin Hood Foundation has dedicated about $2 million to treat the grieving and the distressed, including a $50,000 grant to Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City to aid children who lost a parent in the trade center attack or who saw it take place. Mending the Hearts Broken on Sept. 11 Is as Difficult as Explaining the Cost http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9A0DE4D91738F931A15754C0A9649C8B63. Executive Order l2333 - United States Intelligence Activities http://www.apfn.org/apfn/l2333.htm. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, July 18, 2002. Boiling down the 140-page report, the committee - headed by Rep. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) -- suggested that the C.I.A. failed to predict 9/11 accurately because it does not have enough spies in its network. Because of Odigo, it is beyond question warnings were sent to Israeli owned or linked companies in the area of the WTC. Because of the almost complete absence of Israelis among the victims, it is now apparent how widespread that warning had to have been. http://100777.com/node/238. PHOTO-FAKING THE WORLD TRADE CENTER FALL. Demanding a Congressional Inquiry of 9/11- January 8th, 2002 http://www.communitycurrency.org/9-11.html. Reasonable Doubts About September 11th, 53 minute Real Player Video stream at: http://www.indybay.org/news/2002/03/118760.php. VIDEO CLIP - Republican Congressman Alleges 9/11 Cover-up by Pentagon Pentagon engaged in 'smear campaign' against whistleblower http://www.apfn.org/apfn/911_coverup.htm. LOS ANGELES CITIZENS’ GRAND JURY CONDEMNS GOVERNMENT ROLE IN 9/11 & COVERUP; SEES U.S. “TREASONOUS INSIDE CABAL” AS RESPONSIBLE FOR 9/11 TERROR ATTACKS; FINDS OFFICIAL STORY “IMPOSSIBLE, IMPLAUSIBLE” ON MULTIPLE POINT S http://tinyurl.com/3juext. GW Bush on 9/11 Conspiracy Theories by Robert Lederman http://tinyurl.com/8en973. FULL REPORTS ON 9-11 AND BUSH/CIA COMPLICITY IN THE TERROR: SERENDIPITY EXPOSE ON 9-11 (VERY GOOD!) http://www.serendipity.li/ The Dreadful Imposture The US Authorities have tried to make believe that the damage caused to the Pentagon, on September 11, 2001 was caused by the crash of a hijacked Boeing airliner on the building. This lie was meant to hide the fact that a bombing attack was in fact carried out by a group of people who had authorized access to the Pentagon and that the target was not the Department of Defense in general but the new Navy Command Center. The US authorities have also lied in order to hide the existence of a secret CIA base within the World Trade Center and its illegal activities. But most of all they have put great efforts into concealing the negotiations carried out between George Bush and the conjurors on September 11, as well as the agreement that was reached on that day. With the help of their hired agent, Osama Bin Laden, they have channeled the sadness and the anger of the US public opinion towards foreign scapegoats. In his book "L'Effroyable imposture" (The Dreadful Imposture), Thierry Meyssan reveals the secrets behind 9-11. He analyses the power shift within the US political establishment and the rocketing of the military expenses. He denounces the hidden agenda behind the war in Afghanistan and the secret aims of the "War on Terrorism". A must read if you want to understand where the US leadership is leading its country. http://tinyurl.com/3orala. These photos were taken at Ground Zero, the World Trade Center site in New York, on September 13, 2001. http://archive.seacoastonline.com/2002news/3_5_w2.htm "U.S. authorities were alerted as early as 1995 that several Middle Eastern pilots were training at American flight schools and at least one had proposed hijacking a plane to crash into federal buildings, according to documents and interviews with Filipino and U.S. authorities." http://archive.seacoastonline.com/2002news/3_5_w2.htm. New York City, NY. This gif does not accurately show the speed of the object, due to the limitations of an animated gif of reasonable length. - We know that there is $trillion dollars in oil wealth in Central Asia and that the Taliban had refused to allow a pipeline or transnational-oil-corporation of their resources. Terror Anthrax Linked to Type Made by U.S. The powder used in the anthrax attacks is virtually indistinguishable from that produced by the United States military, according to federal scientists. http://www.ph.ucla.edu/EPI/bioter/terroranthraxlinkedus.html. CNN Presents “Dead Wrong” http://joetrippi.com/?p=1406 Audio segments Whistleblower conference http://www.apfn.net/audio/M001I060218135319-DW1.MP3 Whistleblower (cont') plus 'Dead Wrong' http://www.apfn.net/audio/M002I060218135916-DW2.MP3 'Dead Wrong' part 2 http://www.apfn.net/audio/M003I060218142038-DW3.MP3 'Dead Wrong' Part 3 http://www.apfn.net/audio/M004I060218143342-DW4.MP3 'Dead Wrong' Part 4 http://www.apfn.net/audio/M005I060218144844-DW5.MP3 'Dead Wrong' Part 5 http://www.apfn.net/audio/M006I060218150450-DW6.MP3 Donald Rumsfeld at the CFR http://www.apfn.net/audio/M007I060218152645-RUMSFELD-CFR.MP3. PowerPoint Presentation/Movies 9/11 Attack on America Part 1 The Irregularities of 9/11 10.5MB http://www.apfn.org/movies/911.ppt. 9/11 Skeptics Unite - The Truth Is Out There http://tinyurl.com/6uyos7. - The Bush Administration forced the FBI to back off of the Bin Laden investigation months before 9-11. [BBC transcript BUSH - BIN LADEN HIDDEN AGENDA!] Many naпve Americans will write to me to explain that this new provision in the reauthorization of the "PATRIOT Act" is necessary to protect the president and other high officials from terrorists or from harm at the hands of angry demonstrators: "No one else will have anything to fear." Some will accuse me of being an alarmist, and others will say that it is unpatriotic to doubt the law's good intentions. Yes 26% 1,105 No 40% 1,724 Until Iraq becomes stable 12% 507 No WMD, why Iraq? 4% 163 I don't know 2% 77 Iraq is Bush's war and I don't want no part of it! 17% 714 4,290 votes total. Economic aftermath - Follow the money! 911 frame-up is the work of high-status respectable organized-crime http://www.apfn.org/apfn/911_frameup.htm. PRESS RELEASE: Blame Misplaced for 9/11. This new federal police force is "subject to the supervision of the Secretary of Homeland Security." By Stalin's time, Lenin and Trotsky had eliminated all members of the "oppressor class," but that did not stop Stalin from sending millions of "enemies of the people" to the Gulag. It is extremely difficult to hold even local police forces accountable. Who is going to hold accountable a federal police protected by Homeland Security and the president? "There is hereby created and established a permanent police force, to be known as the 'United States Secret Service Uniformed Division.'" Why is Bush Blocking A Public 9-11 Investigation? http://tinyurl.com/a4y8ho. 05/23/06 Coast to Coast with George Noory re: Mike Berger of 911Truth.org Zogby poll that shows 70 million Americans support a new 9/11 investigation. AUDIO: http://www.apfn.net/pogo/A006I060523-coast2coast-911Truth-5-23-6.MP3 (4.69MB) http://www.911truth.org/ 9/11 Loose Change I 2:09:46. Not surprisingly, the rank and file didn't buy into the hype—nor were many convinced by the gatekeepers' offhand, passionless calls for an official investigation. Interest in alternative 9/11 reporting continued to grow, and by the time that members of 9/11 victim's families began publicly demanding an end to the government cover-up and even mainstream media outlets such as the NY Times were admitting that the lack of an independent investigatory commission was "extraordinary," the Left media gatekeepers backed down and adopted a new tactic of silent stonewalling and tacit support for the official story. Responses to the attack: The following is lengthy, but a stunning and detailed rebuttal of the government's "universal incompetence" cover story and the media pundits who support it, from the author of the best-selling War on Freedom: New September 11 photos likely staged - major discrepancies between documented events and pictures emerge http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/schoolv > Officials charged with overseeing the rebuilding of Lower Manhattan said this weekend that the public's call for a slower planning process and less commercial space on the World Trade Center site could delay plans for an expanded transportation center connecting the subway and commuter rail lines downtown. Fresh Visions of Ground Zero Could Delay Lower Manhattan's Recovery http://www.nytimes.com/2002/07/22/nyregion/22LOWE.html?todaysheadlines. The War on Terror "Home Run" Used To Electronically Hijack World Trade Center Aircraft http://geocities.com/mknemesis/homerun.html. Bush News Archives of Bush Treason and Treachery http://bush-treason.blogspot.com/ Sept. 11, 1990: George Herbert Walker Bush, father of President George W. Bush: "It is not a stretch to wonder if this White House is up to something that it doesn't want known 12 years from now or anytime thereafter. [A direct quote from the piece carried by Scripps Howard News Service. Re: Bush's sealing of presidential records for the first time in U.S. history] THE HIGHEST CIA RANKS INVOLVEMENT WITH THE WTC 9/11 EVENT THE RUPERT REPORT http://tinyurl.com/7eft3s. Israeli supporters were soon flooding the US media with denials of the story. Even when the US media's spiking of the Israeli spy ring/phone tap story proved a clear pro-Israel propaganda bias, the claim that Israelis working in the area of the WTC were preferentially absent on 9-11 was still dismissed as an internet legend. Selection. Former Admin. Official Needs Only Three Words To Explain Manipulation of Intel: ‘The Vice President’ Subscribe to the APFN.org RSS feed. Responses to the attack: APFN MESSAGE BOARD September 11, 2001 RESEARCH Everything you want to know about the 9/11, Pentagon and more. 299 Links http://www.apfn.org/apfn/WTC_2.htm. Yesterday, the House Intelligence Subcommittee on Terrorism issued a report placing much of the blame for the devastating September 11 attacks on the shoulders of the C.I.A., the F.B.I. and the National Security Agency. Results from last poll: The Left establishment's attack on 9/11 skeptics. A provision in the "PATRIOT Act" creates a new federal police force with the power to violate the Bill of Rights. You might think that this cannot be true, as you have not read about it in newspapers or heard it discussed by talking heads on TV. Subject: Latest article, Explosive Treason! Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2005 12:49:25 -0700 (PDT) From: Michael Treis Explosive Treason By Michael Treis http://www.apfn.org/pdf/ExplosiveTreason.pdf. Why is Bush Blocking A Public 9-11 Investigation? http://tinyurl.com/3l9xka. Pictures Confirm It! South Building Suffered Internal Explosion prior to hijacked plane impact! http://tinyurl.com/3ws62o. Should the U.S. be in Iraq? APFN apfn@apfn.org The Left establishment's attack on 9/11 skeptics Wed Dec 18 01:31:59 2002. 8/2/06 "The Randi Rhodes Show" Air America Randi. Review of 9/11 latest news. never-before-released tapes AUDIO: http://www.apfn.net/pogo/A004I060802-rhodes4.MP3. The language conveys enormous discretionary and arbitrary powers. What is "an offense against the United States"? What are "reasonable grounds"? "Today American's would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government." **** How will President George W. Bush personally make millions (if not billions) from the War on Terror? The old fashioned way. He'll inherit it. Meet the Carlyle Group http://www.hereinreality.com/carlyle.html. APFN MESSAGE BOARD OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD & controlled media RESEARCH Everything you want to know about the Operation Mockingbird & Controlled Media and more. 134 Links http://www.apfn.org/apfn/controlled_media.htm. Bush spoke before Congress on Sept. 11, 1990, delivering a speech which he entitled "Toward a New World Order". Addressing the subject of his Gulf War, he made his first public utterance of his, and his rich cronies" plans for a world imperialism in stating that the war in Iraq was ". a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times. a new world order can emerge." Audio: http://www.apfn.org/audio/ghb_1990_0911.mp3. WTC 9/11 - DISTURBING FACTS: Man Jumps from the top of the WTC Tower 1. The World Trade Center Demolition and the So-Called War on Terrorism http://www.serendipity.li/ FBI AND US SPY AGENTS SAY BUSH SPIKED BIN LADEN PROBES BEFORE 11 SEPTEMBER http://www.apfn.org/apfn/wtc_agents.htm. Here are some further photos of the damage to the Pentagon. Where is the Commercial Jet. http://www.apfn.org/apfn/commercial_jet.htm. Re 9/11 - YouTube - James Fetzer on Hannity & Colmes Professor James Fetzer is interviewed on Fox News' Hannity & Colmes by Colmes and Oliver North. He explains that there is a group of scholars (approx 300 total) who are working to uncover the truth behind http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08va1i6LYPc&eurl=http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/july2006/110706spinattack.htm. We have a different opinion. We do not believe that more money, more spies--and, we hasten to add, the loss of more Americans' freedoms - is the answer. We suggest that the same Congress that is now embarking on all these (and related) pointless endeavors instead consider the REAL reasons why the terrible events of 9/11 were made possible. BBC defends September 11 documentary The BBC is defending its decision to show a controversial documentary about the September 11 terrorist attacks. http://tinyurl.com/8t2v5l. - The CIA station chief in Dubai met with Bin Laden 7 weeks before 9-11, and at a time when Bin Laden was supposedly "wanted" by the CIA. http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/critical.html?q=critical.html http://www.blacklistedjournalist.com/column67m11.html Report: bin Laden treated at US hospital Elizabeth Bryant UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL Published 10/31/2001. David Ray Griffin, Theologian on C-Span 04-18-05 (9/11 Omissions & Distortions) University of Wisconsin Madison. You can subscribe to this RSS feed in a number of ways, including the following: http://www.taner.net/wtc/media/First_Plane_Crash_SLOW_.mpeg The amorality is visible only using Quicktime. It shows *something* "dive-bombing" WTC 1 If you look at the movie with Microsoft's viewer, which apparently has less resolution, you'll miss it. YOUNG PATRIOT ATTACKED BY SCHOOL AUTHORITIES http://www.apfn.org/apfn/young_patriot.htm. Beating the drums for justice: Calls for Bush's impeachment for 9–11 http://tinyurl.com/8x5nws. "Why of course the people don't want war . But after all it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship . Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger." WHISTLEBLOWER: Sibel Edmonds' Case for Government Transparency and Accountability http://www.justacitizen.com/ - Osama Bin Laden who was trained at Oxford is a creation of American and British intelligence and wittingly or not, is doing their bidding. At the top of the list is our nation's suicidal immigration policy. In the name of cheap votes for Democrats, cheap labor for Republicans and political correctness for all, our nation's borders have become a laughing stock. Most of those tagged for the dastardly deeds of 9/11 should never have been allowed in the U.S.; let alone allowed to learn how to pilot (and hijack) a plane right here in the good old U.S. of A. At least for me, the file did not loop until I saved it locally. MEDIA BYPASS-The Uncensored National News! BLAME MISPLACED FOR 9/11. September 11 News.com - Live News Related to the 9-11-2001 Terrorist Attacks on the USA. News includes Osama bid Laden, Taliban, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Middle East News, and News from the Pentagon. http://tinyurl.com/8phz2q. Supressed Details of Criminal Insider Trading Lead Directly into the CIA’s Highest Ranks CIA Executive Director “Buzzy” Krongard managed firm that handled “PUT” options on United Airline Stock http://www.hereinreality.com/insidertrading.html. If you would like frames or blowups of anything in the video, let me know. I would remind you that this is the same movie that with it's original soundtrack had the firefighter looking in the opposite direction, his attention captured by a sonic boom. Then the camera shifts to catch the parts shown on TV, from which this is derived. Debate boils down to which came first the chicken or the egg? Did the collapse of the South tower cause a mushroom-shaped plume to appear remotely near building 6 or 7, or did a detonation at 6-7 [possibly a pulsed blast at a precise harmonic frequency] do a death-knell to the weakened towers? http://cyberspaceorbit.com/towerblast.html. Press Relay More 911 absurdities Calmly Consuming Contradiction www.btinternet.com/ THE COMPLETE 9/11 TIMELINE: INTRODUCTION, CREDITS AND LINKS http://unansweredquestions.org/timeline/ Painful Questions; An analysis of the September 11th Attack http://tinyurl.com/3ky4y2. - We know that the Taliban had successfully erradicated production in the lands it controlled and that it was gaining in power and threatening to eliminate the vast opium production of the Northern Alliance drug lords, opium wihich finds its way to China and then, as refined heroin, to the addicts of the world -- producing hundreds of billions of dollars of revenue to be laundered through Wall Street and London investment banks, the funds that have financed the booming slaver-captialism economy of Red China, at the expense of the world's national economies and middle classes. Quotes from a document written in 1998 & available on Official US Website: http://commdocs.house.gov/committees/intlrel/hfa48119.000/hfa48119_0.htm#1 "CentGas can not begin construction until an internationally recognized Afghanistan Government is in place." (THAT WAS AGREED IN 1998!) http://msnbc.com/news/190144.asp?cp1=1#BODY "So bin Laden, along with a small group of Islamic militants from Egypt, Pakistan, Lebanon, Syria and Palestinian refugee camps all over the Middle East, became the reliable partners of the CIA " - Large numbers of WTC workers were absent that day -- less than 3000 thousand perished there. Somebody knew what was coming. This album cover was posted to the internet on July 19, 2001! It depicts the World Trade Center in the exact state it we all saw it in after the attacks yesterday. The band, The Coup (a sudden overthrow of a government by a usually small group of persons in positions of authority), displays the Red Communist Star representing Socialism on the cover. Video & Photographic Evidence of the Largest Coverup In Modern Day History http://www.911inplanesite.com/ September 11, 2001 ALEX JONES - ROAD TO TYRANNY 2:22:00. ACTIVE FBI SPECIAL AGENT FILES COMPLAINT CONCERNING OBSTRUCTED FBI ANTI-TERRORIST INVESTIGATIONS -COMPLAINS THAT SEPTEMBER 11 TERRORIST ATTACKS MIGHT HAVE BEEN PREVENTED- FBI COULD HAVE STOPPED BIN LADEN YEARS AGO. Pink dear mr. president.mp3 free download. VIDEO REALPLAYER: Officials told to 'back off' on Saudis before September 11 http://news.bbc.co.uk/olmedia/cta/progs/newsnight/attack22.ram. "A special event of national significance" is neither defined nor does it require the presence of a "protected person" such as the president in order to trigger it. Thus, the administration, and perhaps the police themselves, can place the SENS designation on any event. Once a SENS designation is placed on an event, the new federal police are empowered to keep out and arrest people at their discretion. This is an animated gif of a close-up from the significant frames. The abnormality is visible in earlier frames, but the camera was moving then, so this starts once the camera stabilized. - "I Don't Buy It" " I was one of the first tenants in the World Trade Center (WTC) back in 1979. Back then----over 20 years ago----it was known to all the tenants of the WTC that the WTC was a "no fly" zone . If you came within 12 miles of the WTC, flying outside of a pattern where you were supposed to be, you were warned to back off. If you came within five miles, they would threaten to shoot you down. If you came within three miles, they could shoot you down. If I remember correctly, on the roof of tower No. 2 they had surface to air missiles for that purpose, plus also the Spatz helicopters for that purpose. "I had a friend who was flying a small plane who got warned away and they almost blew him out of the sky 20 years ago because he was showing somebody a close view of the towers. "I can see the first tower getting hit by surprise, but 15 minutes later the second tower also gets hit? I don't buy it." Walter Burien, Radio Free America, Nov 11, 2001. --Hermann Goering, Nazi leader, at the Nuremberg Trials after World War II. Good Christmas Gift: Loose Change - Buy the Video http://www.loosechange911.com/ The Road Map to Empire by Michel Chossudovsky and Ian Woods In the war’s sinister aftermath, the entire world knows that the pretext for the invasion of Iraq was based on fabricated evidence and doctored intelligence. (See p.13.) The facts regarding Iraq’s alleged WMDs had been carefully manipulated. The lies were known and documented prior to the war, discussed behind closed doors not only at the UN Security Council but also on Capitol Hill. Prior to the war’s onslaught and throughout the military campaign, the US media, in close liaison with the Pentagon, was instrumental in withholding the truth. This tactic is straight out of the Pentagon’s Office of Strategic Influence which Bush promised would be shut down due to the public uproar against the idea that the Pentagon might be allowed to spread false information in the media for their own purposes. (For more see Global Outlook No. 4, p.20.) Covert ‘dirty tricks’ operations had been launched to produce misleading intelligence, which was then fed into the news chain. WMD-Al Qaeda threats to ‘the Homeland’ had been played up and repeated ad nauseam, pasted on a daily basis across the tabloids. The objective of the disinformation campaign was to "whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor", while fudging the issue of forged intelligence until the war was over. The fact that President Bush was an outright liar was only brought to US public’s attention in the invasion’s aftermath, once a US-UK occupation government (‘The Authority’), duly sanctioned by the UN, had been put in place. APFN apfn@apfn.org The Left establishment's attack on 9/11 skeptics Wed Dec 18 01:31:59 2002. The Left establishment's attack on 9/11 skeptics Soon after revelations concerning Bush administration prior knowledge of the 9/11 attacks ("Memogate"), a number of well-known media "liberals" and "progressives" launched a heavy-handed series of broadsides against independent 9/11 researchers who had been developing alternative theories in response to the deeply flawed and fraudulent official story. Why would they do this, at precisely the point that the Bush administration was clearly sweating bullets and in deep trouble? This question is particularly important in light of the fact that the anti-conspiracy critics have not been able (nor apparently willing) to articulate their own theory of what happened on 9/11 (and why) which can explain the devastating evidence and contradictions that have been exposed by independent researchers. Instead of offering a credible explanation, the gatekeepers merely saw fit to pathologize 9/11 skeptics as "paranoid conspiracy nuts" and "a danger to our movement." Folks, it's our view that--in trying to solve a problem--you don't attack the symptoms. All the spies and money in the world won't stop future terrorist attacks, as long as this nation remains a willing receptacle for unlimited immigration. Until the Congress addresses this in a substantive rather than cosmetic way, all that is being accomplished is that America is being transformed into a police state, ostensibly to keep us "safe." Lots of videos and images are here also: http://tinyurl.com/4apyym. 9/11 Attack on America Part 2 Omissions & Distortions (David Ray Griffin) 13.9MB http://www.apfn.org/movies/911-2.ppt. "I would caution that while we do support the project, the U.S. Government has not at this point recognized any governing regime of the transit country, one of the transit countries, Afghanistan, through which that pipeline would be routed. But we do support the project." (THIS WAS IN 1998!) If the American people want to exact justice for the crimes of September 11, they should choose better bombing targets than Afghanistan, like Jesuit headquarters in Rome or Chatham House in Manhattan. Charles Goyette 1010 Air America radio 2/03/06 re: Experts Claim Official 9/11 Story is a Hoax-audio: http://www.apfn.net/audio/6020309001401010-goyette-911.MP3. Before the dust had settled from the collapse of the World Trade Towers, Israel's foreign ministry had expressed concern for the well being of 4000 Israelis known to have worked in or near the World Trade Towers. But almost immediately, stories of such concern vanished from the media amid reports in the foreign press which claimed that Israelis who worked in or near the World Trade Towers were specifically given advanced warnings not to go to work on 9-11. One Israeli owned company, Odigo, had received a two hour advance warning of the attacks. The World Trade Center Demolition and the So-Called War on Terrorism http://www.serendipity.li/ Army Theorists Crafted Model of 9/11 Attack Back in 1976. Timothy McNiven, an outspoken critic of the President's handling of 9/11 and a 29-year U.S. Defense Department operative still under contract with the government says not only did the Bush administration purposely ignore Al Q'aida in the months preceding the WTC attacks, but that his military unit way back in 1976 devised a mock terrorist attack of the Twin Towers exactly like what occurred on 9/11. http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2005/09/325502.shtml http://www.codenamegrillfire.com/index.php?n=1& > Codename Grillfire Tim McNiven radio interview from Black Op Radio Discussion of his involvement of a Pentagon scenario of planes crashing into the Pentagon. . Dec 2, 2004: Audio http://www.blackopradio.com/black200b.ram http://www.codenamegrillfire.com/index.php?n=18& > AUDIOS: In Nazi Germany, did no one but Jews have anything to fear from the Gestapo? - INSIDER TRADING PROFITS off of 9-11 were frenzied over by the US media when they thought it was Arab terrorists . . . but then the story mysteriously died. Until, the UK Independent reveals that it leads to a firm chaired by the 3rd highest man in the CIA (and stranger still is that $2.5 million of the "winnings" are still unclaimed (see below for URL to entire story). https://docs.indymedia.org/view/Local/UkModeration911 . Info confirmed by Independent Newspaper in UK: http://tinyurl.com/3rguvk. Feds Withhold Crucial WTC Evidence On September 11, the British Broadcasting Corp. (BBC) interviewed one of its New York-based reporters, Steve Evans, who was in the second tower when it was hit. Evans reported: "I was at the base of the 2nd tower, the second tower that was hit. There was an explosion - I didn't think it was an explosion - but the base of the building shook. I felt it shake - then when we were outside, the second explosion happened and then there was a series of explosions. We can only wonder at the kind of damage -- the kind of human damage -- which was caused by those explosions - those series of explosions," he said. http://www.rense.com/general28/FEDswithholdcrucial.htm. This is a blowup of a significant abnormality I found in: The Story we Hear on the News and Read in the Newspapers is simply not believable by Stan Goff Retired US Special Forces Master Sergeant http://www.apfn.org/apfn/wtc_media.htm. The F.B.I. failed because it is ". . .focused more on investigating crimes than preventing them." Both, the committee urged, need more organization and more technological capabilities to infiltrate and monitor terrorist networks. And, of course, they need more money. The following is lengthy, but a stunning and detailed rebuttal of the government's "universal incompetence" cover story and the media pundits who support it, from the author of the best-selling War on Freedom: IRAQGATE The Secret History Of How The United States Illegally Armed Saddam Hussein http://www.apfn.org/apfn/iraqgate.htm. 9/11 Loose Change II 1:29:22. Reasonable doubts: The truth about 9/11 Watch this RealVideo (53 min 12 sec in length. doesn't seem to stream very well at 56k though) http://www.indybay.org/news/2002/03/118760.php. SMOKING GUN: The 9/11 Evidence that May Hang George W. Bush By Cheryl Seal - CHERDAV44@aol.com 02 June 2002 The Case Against G.W. Bush: a Preliminary "Hearing" in the Court of Common Sense At the very least Bush allowed 9/11 to happen. But the evidence indicates his guilt involves more than just a huge intentional sin of omission –this now seems certain. So it is ulcer-fomenting to watch him, Cheney, Condoleeza Rice and their PR army try to sell America yet another Big Lie –that they had no idea such a thing as 9/11 could happen. they could never have imagined it in their wildest dreams. they had no specific warnings. there was nothing unusual about the summer 2001 warnings, etc, etc, ad nauseam. I have compiled some material that clearly shows that the above litany is blatantly, arrogantly false. But first, let's hold a preliminary hearing in the "Court of Common sense". http://www.apfn.org/apfn/WTC_smoking-gun.htm. The attacks had significant economic repercussions for the United States and world markets. The New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange and NASDAQ d > U.S. stocks lost $1.2 trillion in value for the week . As of 2005 the streets surrounding the Stock Exchange on Wall Street are still barricaded to prevent a physical attack upon the building. Official Bungling Claimed in 9-11 Intelligence http://tinyurl.com/8nv9af. - Bush Admin. declares they will "seal the records of presidents beginning with Father Bush/Reagans (an act never before done in US presidential history)." AND What bizarre timing. In the midst of a war and an economic disaster -- they find the time and "the desire" to seal the records of the Reagan/Bush admin, just as info is surfacing about Bush/Bin Laden connections from years back. (Details in Scripps-Howard News Service, appearing in Chico, CA paper on 11/5/2001) I noted with interest your report of witnesses seeing 'Military Helicopters' at the WTC because I knew that a very good friend of mine "Steve," was a first responder to the scene in an NYPD Harbor and Aviation Helicopter. http://www.rense.com/general17/wtc.htm. January 24, 2006 Unfathomed Dangers in PATRIOT Act Reauthorization by Paul Craig Roberts. 911 Mysteries The first 9/11 movie designed specifically for the mainstream audience http://www.question911.com/links.php. The U.S. Government, Not the Hijackers, 'Chose' the Date of the 9-11 Attacks http://tinyurl.com/9kg2kt. 9/11/06 "The Charles Goyette Show" 1100 AM Phx Az 9/11 SPECIAL "FIVE YEARS LATER" SPECIAL GUESTS AUDIO: HOUR 2 7 TO 8 AM http://www.apfn.net/pogo/A002I060911-am-radio2.MP3. Did NORAD Send The "Suicide" Jets? With so much controversy swirling around NORAD's tardy response on 9-11, have you considered that maybe NORAD did not respond at all? Have you considered that maybe the American generals who claim to have been in charge that day are lying, and that others were directing events? http://www.public-action.com/911/noradsend2.html. 1st-hand acct's saying string of detonations went off http://www.cyberspaceorbit.com/towrcmmnt.htm ___________________________________. Soon after revelations concerning Bush administration prior knowledge of the 9/11 attacks ("Memogate"), a number of well-known media "liberals" and "progressives" launched a heavy-handed series of broadsides against independent 9/11 researchers who had been developing alternative theories in response to the deeply flawed and fraudulent official story. Why would they do this, at precisely the point that the Bush administration was clearly sweating bullets and in deep trouble? This question is particularly important in light of the fact that the anti-conspiracy critics have not been able (nor apparently willing) to articulate their own theory of what happened on 9/11 (and why) which can explain the devastating evidence and contradictions that have been exposed by independent researchers. Instead of offering a credible explanation, the gatekeepers merely saw fit to pathologize 9/11 skeptics as "paranoid conspiracy nuts" and "a danger to our movement." Not surprisingly, the rank and file didn't buy into the hype—nor were many convinced by the gatekeepers' offhand, passionless calls for an official investigation. Interest in alternative 9/11 reporting continued to grow, and by the time that members of 9/11 victim's families began publicly demanding an end to the government coverup and even mainstream media outlets such as the NY Times were admitting that the lack of an independent investigatory commission was "extraordinary," the Left media gatekeepers backed down and adopted a new tactic of silent stonewalling and tacit support for the official story. Is This An F-15 At The Scene Of The WTC South Tower Crash? http://tinyurl.com/3v96vf. MAJOR NEWSPAPER EXPOSE' ON 9-11: THE EVIDENCE: One hole, 2 Ѕ yards in diameter Whatever hit the Pentagon on September 11, 2001 made a hole several meters wide in the front wall between the first and second floors. It emerged three blocks later, leaving behind a perfectly round hole of about 2 Ѕ yards in diameter. http://www.asile.org/citoyens/numero14/missile/trou_en.htm. The Democratic Policy Committee held a hearing this afternoon to examine the manipulation of pre-war Iraq intelligence. Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC), who previously disavowed his vote for the war, attended the hearing and asked the panelists why a small number of individuals in the administration “had more influence…than the professionals.” Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell, said he only needed three words. Watch it. Islamic Extremists: U.S.-Financed, Enflamed, Seeking Revenge http://www.apfn.org/apfn/islamic.htm. "The war of Unintended Consequences" 09/25/06 RE: 9/11 - OPERATION BIG WEDDING AUDIO: 8:00 to 9:00 am http://www.apfn.net/pogo/A007I060925-amradio7.MP3. On 9/11, CIA Was Running Simulation of a Plane Crashing into a Building Fulton's entire passage from the promotional literature John Fulton - Intelligence Networking & Analysis On the morning of September 11th 2001, Mr. Fulton and his team at the CIA were running a pre-planned simulation to explore the emergency response issues that would be created if a plane were to strike a building. Little did they know that the scenario would come true in a dramatic way that day. Information is the most powerful tool available in the homeland security effort. At the core of every initiative currently underway to protect our country and its citizens is the challenge of getting the right information to the right people at the right time. How can so much information from around the world be captured and processed in meaningful and timely ways? Mr. Fulton shares his insights into the intelligence community, and shares a vision of how today's information systems will be developed into even better counter-terrorism tools of tomorrow. About John Fulton John Fulton’s 25 years in the intelligence community has contributed to his recognition as an expert in risk & threat response analysis, scenario gaming, and strategic planning. He is on staff for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), currently serving as Chief of the Strategic War Gaming Division of the National Reconnaissance Office, and as a member of U.S. Joint Forces Command's Project Alpha - a prestigious "think tank" for advanced concepts related to such issues as homeland security. He formerly served as the mission director for our nation's satellite imagery program as well as replacing Army Astronaut Same Gemar as the Director of the National Security Space Master Plan for the U.S. Department of Defense and Intelligence Space Communities under the auspices of the Deputy UnderSecretary of Defense (Space). His counter-terrorism and homeland security responsibilities include advising the Director Central Intelligence Staff for Homeland Security, the U.S. Marshall's Office, and collaboration with the National Security Council. In the private sector Fulton has developed a number of patents related to positioning, "smart GPS " applications, communications, and audio/video technology. He oversees the development of public & personal safety applications of these capabilities through SafeSTAR projects, and contributes to the strategic planning and conceptual design of the SafeSTAR Homeland Security Command Center. http://www.thememoryhole.org/911/cia-simulation.htm. Clueless 9-11 Commission Cheats American Public "It was Al Qaeda in the airports and airplanes, with the dagger, revolver, rope, lead pipe, candlestick and spanner" http://tinyurl.com/4ofyf4. Bush Flubs it Again Details and Confirmation of Prior Knowledge http://www.serendipity.li/ Americans will write such nonsense despite the fact that the president and foreign dignitaries are already provided superb protection by the Secret Service. The naпve will not comprehend that the president cannot be endangered by demonstrators at SENS at which the president is not present. For many Americans, the light refuses to turn on. APFN MESSAGE BOARD IRAQ WAR RESEARCH Everything you want to know about the Iraq war and more. 601 Links http://www.apfn.org/apfn/Iraq_war2.htm. BEST 911 Investigation sites: The World Trade Center Demolition and the So-Called War on Terrorism http://www.serendipity.li/ Special Section: Were Israelis warned not to go to the WTC on 9-11? THE DEBUNKERS TRY THEIR HAND. Fescado joins Rivero, Vialls as new attempt to debunk small-plane Pentagon evidence falls flat. Ron Harvey demonstrably a fraud. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/frameup/message/794. For more information on Media Bypass magazine, visit http://www.mediabypass.com. - Using jet fuel to melt steel is an amazing discovery, really. It is also amazing that until now, no one had been able to get it to work, and that proves the terrorists were not stupid people. Ironworkers fool with acetylene torches, bottled oxygen, electric arcs from generators, electric furnaces, and other elaborate tricks, but what did these brilliant terrorists use? Jet fuel, costing maybe 80 cents a gallon on the open market. 9-11 ATTACK ON AMERICA - ANYTHING MISSING? 9-11_missing.htm. Loose Change: IT IS EVERYONE'S DUTY TO VIEW THESE FILMS! Your family and friends need to see this documentary! Parts 1 & 2. Drag the orange RSS button into your News Reader Drag the URL of the RSS feed into your News Reader Cut and paste the URL of the RSS feed into your News Reader. BUSH’S NEW WORLD ORDER: THE MEANING BEHIND THE WORDS download the .pdf file (free) 74 page book, by Maj. Bart R. Kessler 1997 http://www.apfn.org/pdf/BushsNewWorldOrder.pdf. 9/11 LIST OF VIDEO'S The Most Complete, Comprehensive collection of FREE downloadable or viewable Videos on 9-11. http://www.belowgroundsurface.org/ - "It is not a stretch to wonder if this White House is up to something that it doesn't want known 12 years from now or anytime thereafter. [A direct quote from the piece carried by Scripps Howard News Service. Re: Bush's sealing of presidential records for the first time in U.S. history] hi do you know someone in DC? all flight 77 investigations need an image of the skyline (look at the attached image) in good resolution & less jpg compression, perhaps easy to take from the highway (blue dot on the image) while driving. possible? ISRAEL 9/11 CONNECTION EXPOSED THE TRUTH COMES OUT AND YOU READ IT HERE FIRST! http://www.etherzone.com/2002/raim031502.shtml. Is that want you want? -What is the explosion in the picture on ground level (left). This capture is from a videoclip that was shown only once or twice on tv. Political Deception: The Missing Link behind 9-11 Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG) http://globalresearch.ca/articles/CHO206A.html. AUDIOS: SENATE CMTE HEARING ON IRAQ PRE-WAR INTELLIGENCE 6/26/06. What do our "leaders" have to say about this? The U.S. House recently passed yet another amnesty for illegal aliens. The agencies charged with securing our borders are about to get a lot more money, to make sure the floods of humanity are "processed" in a more orderly fashion. In the process, many more Mohammad Atta's will join those already here planning the next attacks. - Bush Admin. declares they will "seal the records of presidents beginning with Father Bush/Reagans (an act never before done in US presidential history)." AND What bizarre timing. In the midst of a war and an economic disaster -- they find the time and "the desire" to seal the records of the Reagan/Bush admin, just as info is surfacing about Bush/Bin Laden connections from years back. (Details in Scripps-Howard News Service, appearing in Chico, CA paper on 11/5/2001) - The UK Independent is asking how Bush was the only man on the planet to see the "1st" jet hit the WTC on 9-11, before he read to the children at the school. No TV stations (that we know of) had that footage to air. - San Francisco Chronicle reports, the anthrax strain produced in US University is destroyed on ok of FBI (they had studied this for years, some at university question the timing of the destruction of those anthrax spores . . . right now of all times (?)) http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/chronicle/archive/2001/11/09/MN153227.DTL. Pentagon Attack Plane Was An El Al Lookalike Flights 77 and 1862 both had http://tinyurl.com/3zuduy. The Propaganda Preparation for 9/11 The mystery surrounding the death of John O'Neill: by Chaim Kupferberg http://globalresearch.ca/articles/KUP206A.html. #1 http://www.apfn.net/pogo/L001I060626-senate-pre-war-intel1.MP3 #9 http://www.apfn.net/pogo/L009I060627-senate-pre-war-intel9.MP3 #2 http://www.apfn.net/pogo/L002I060626-senate-pre-war-intel2.MP3 #10 http://www.apfn.net/pogo/L010I060627-senate-pre-war-intel10.MP3 #11 http://www.apfn.net/pogo/L011I060627-senate-pre-war-intel11.MP3 #3 http://www.apfn.net/pogo/L003I060626-senate-pre-war-intel3.MP3 #12 http://www.apfn.net/pogo/L012I060627-senate-pre-war-intel12.MP3 #4 http://www.apfn.net/pogo/L004I060626-senate-pre-war-intel4.MP3 #13 http://www.apfn.net/pogo/L013I060627-senate-pre-war-intel13.MP3 #5 http://www.apfn.net/pogo/L005I060626-senate-pre-war-intel5.MP3 #14 http://www.apfn.net/pogo/L014I060627-senate-pre-war-intel14.MP3 #6 http://www.apfn.net/pogo/L006I060626-senate-pre-war-intel6.MP3 #15 http://www.apfn.net/pogo/L015I060627-senate-pre-war-intel15.MP3 #7 http://www.apfn.net/pogo/L007I060627-senate-pre-war-intel7.MP3 #8 http://www.apfn.net/pogo/L008I060627-senate-pre-war-intel8.MP3 http://www.downingstreetmemo.com/6-26-06-hearing.html. 9/11 Skeptics Unite - The Truth Is Out There http://tinyurl.com/3ljdjk. Four Washington "Wise Men" Discuss America in the Age of Terrorism http://www.apfn.org/apfn/WTC_discussion.htm. - Strangely Anthrax is sent to (not the President, or Republicans) but to the top Democrat and to the media. A foriegn terrorist would probably want to "divide" the country, not unite the opposition and the media in the war effort. - New Science Journal says Anthrax sent to Daschle is NOT Russian or Iraqi, but likely US military strain. You can bet the Alito/Roberts court will rule that it is whatever the executive branch says. The obvious purpose of the act is to prevent demonstrations at Bush/Cheney events. However, nothing in the language limits the police powers from being used only in this way. Like every law in the U.S., this law also will be expansively interpreted and abused. It has dire implications for freedom of association and First Amendment rights. We can take for granted that the new federal police will be used to suppress dissent and to break up opposition. The Brownshirts are now arming themselves with a Gestapo. A quote by HENRY KISSINGER in an address to the super secret Bilderberg Organization meeting at Evian, France, May 21, 1992. He said the following as transcribed from a tape recording made by one of the Swiss delegates: BOMBS INSIDE WTC .DK "Plot of September 11" The Unmasking of a World Conspiracy http://tinyurl.com/4tr96k. The Incredible 9-11 Evidence We've All been Overlooking by Leonard Spencer http://www.serendipity.li/wot/aa11.htm. The new police are assigned a variety of jurisdictions, including "an event designated under section 3056(e) of title 18 as a special event of national significance" (SENS). The Dreadful Imposture by thibord • Friday March 15, 2002 at 03:56 AM yves.thibord@wanadoo.fr The Dreadful Imposture The US Authorities have tried to make believe that the damage caused to the Pentagon, on September 11, 2001 was caused by the crash of a hijacked Boeing airliner on the building. They were taken by someone named "Ed" who was allowed into the area by a member of the emergency response crew, at a time when all civilians -- including most journalists -- were forbidden to enter the area. As a result, these photos are just about the only close-ups ever taken of the World Trade Center site so soon after the 9/11 attacks. http://www.zombietime.com/wtc_9-13-2001/ The new police are empowered to "make arrests without warrant for any offense against the United States committed in their presence, or for any felony cognizable under the laws of the United States if they have reasonable grounds to believe that the person to be arrested has committed or is committing such felony." - And finally we know that the World Trade Center on the day that it was destroyed held the evidence and killed the investigators in two of the biggest financial crimes implicating ruling-elite establishment figures. Oil Companies were and executives were before a New York grand jury on charges of illegal oil swaps involving sanctioned Iran and Kazakhstan. Big investment banking figures and the chairman of the Federal Reserve were being investigated in a gold price fixing case, in which Federal Reserve gold was sold behind closed doors of a closed "made market" at well below what the gold could have obtained on the open market without price fixing. The evidence and the research in both of these cases went up in smoke when the towers and Building 7 came down. WAR CRIMES - by Ramsey Clark and Others http://tinyurl.com/a83oqp. Study the debate and related support images, seismic indicators, 1st-hand accounts. Notice -- the deepest crater not by the towers but away near bldgs 6 and 7 http://www.cyberspaceorbit.com/towrcmmnt.htm. In Addition To Jets, Were SAMs And AA Also Stood Down On 911? http://www.rense.com/general18/inadditiontojets.htm. Terror Anthrax Linked to Type Made by U.S. The powder used in the anthrax attacks is virtually indistinguishable from that produced by the United States military, according to federal scientists. New York Times Article.




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